Friday, December 26, 2008

continuation of post from 12/23

excert from the draft minutes of the December 8th UUCSH Board of Trustees meeting regarding responses to issues raised at four public budget forums held prior to the congregational meeting to approve the 2009 budget.

Budget: The board discussed the issues raised during the budget forums, as follows:

Discount on pledge income: Because pledges now exceed the budget, a discount exists.

Sunnyhill-to-go: Overly ambitious? Since the fund raiser has raised more this year than has been projected for next year, it was felt that the projection was reasonable.

Maintenance and Supply: What is included in this item: Charlie will make a separate list of what was included in 2008, with the understanding that it is a flexible fund.

Cleaning services: Cover-All. Elizabeth has not gotten any complaints about the service; if anyone does have complaints, they should be brought to her.

Fees-for-Services: Some board members felt this would be useful to learn more about in the coming year for consideration at a later date.

Costs of copying: It was decided to monitor this item which can be done at the copier, just to identify what groups are using the most paper and to raise awareness.

Search committee/ministry: The budget as proposed funds Rod as full-time interim minister through the budget year. It does not fund a search committee. It was felt that this should be made perfectly clear to the congregation at the budget meeting

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Budget Meeting Comment from Jay

Thank you to all who participated in the four budget forums held between the end of the pledge drive and prior to the congregation meeting to vote on the proposed 2009 budget. Thank you also to all who participated in the budget meeting.

I do want to address Murray Zeldman's question about the boards follow-up and communication of issues raised at the four forums held to hear comments and responses to the board's draft budget. I need to take full responsibility for not addressing at the congregational meeting, the issues that were brought up and the board's discussion and responses to each point. I had intended to. I even said at the board meeting on the 8th that I would. Believe me, it was oversight. I actually spent all my preperation time on trying to properly address the Minister/Search Cmte issue, which we found was really the major thing that was on everyone's mind. Below, I'm pasting a copy of the draft minutes from the board meeting pertaining to the budget forums. Please keep in mind that the brevity of the responses to the (equally brief) concerns does not indicate the time spent on each issue. If you have any further concerns, or feel that issues were left out or not addressed, please let me or any other board member know.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chalice Lighter Grant

The board is pleased to announce that Sunnyhill is this quarter's recipient of the OMD Chalice Lighter's Grant! This is exciting news and is a show of the district leadership's faith in our project. A couple months ago, the board had applied for the grant as a way of assisting our congregation deal with a very difficult period. The grant will be used to help pay for the services of the interim minister, Rodney Thompson who is especially skilled in healing congregations and will help Sunnyhill continue its outreach into the Mt Lebanon area. The grant will help the congregation continue to offer ministry, outreach, and programming while addressing other necessary short term obligations.

Sunnyhill Shine Initiative Update

The board expresses its extreme gratitude to all participants of the Sunnyhill Shine Initiative, which was spearheaded by Elizabeth Mortimer and Charlie Cook. Many people (including board members) gave up countless hours to come together to beautify our church -- painting, sanding, priming, cleaning, lifting...and smiling! Thank you one and all.

Friday, June 13, 2008

R E Director Announcement

The Sunnyhill Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Cheryl Kelley will be our Director of Religious Education, effective August 1, 2008. Cheryl brings to the position an extensive background in education, experience working in non-profit organizations, a love of children and youth, and a strong commitment to Unitarian Universalism. 
Welcome, Cheryl!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Board Meeting Last Night

The Board held its June meeting Monday evening. When the APT issued its Bridge Building Report, it included a series of recommended actions for the board around the areas of vision, leadership, growth, conflict and communications. The board has committed itself to carry forward their recommendations with the help of dedicated volunteers throughout the Sunnyhill community. The board has also recommitted to continue the work it started when Jay became president. A lot of our conversation at the June meeting centered around how far we have come, and where we’re going toward addressing those areas of concern, but it also included time spent listening to the pulse of the congregation as shared by Dennis Sweeney from the small gatherings which were held this spring. Dennis told us that we’d better improve board to congregation communication, among other things. Hence this blog and our other efforts to let you know what’s going on. Know these things: the minutes of all the board meetings are available once they’ve been approved. They’re in a binder in the church office. Board meetings are always open. Come and listen in, or speak to what concerns you. Board members are identifiable at church by their yellow name tags. Talk to us. When I finish typing up the minutes of the meeting, I’ll post more specific highlights. Stay tuned.- written by Sibyl McNulty
Good work, Amy! This blog will enhance rapid, accurate communication within the Sunnyhill community.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Welcome to Sunnyhill Board Blog

Hi- this is where you will find the most up to date happenings of the Sunnyhill Board. All Friends and Members are encouraged to check back often to read what is going on at Sunnyhill on the Board level.
Amy Kent