Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Board Meeting Last Night
The Board held its June meeting Monday evening. When the APT issued its Bridge Building Report, it included a series of recommended actions for the board around the areas of vision, leadership, growth, conflict and communications. The board has committed itself to carry forward their recommendations with the help of dedicated volunteers throughout the Sunnyhill community. The board has also recommitted to continue the work it started when Jay became president. A lot of our conversation at the June meeting centered around how far we have come, and where we’re going toward addressing those areas of concern, but it also included time spent listening to the pulse of the congregation as shared by Dennis Sweeney from the small gatherings which were held this spring. Dennis told us that we’d better improve board to congregation communication, among other things. Hence this blog and our other efforts to let you know what’s going on. Know these things: the minutes of all the board meetings are available once they’ve been approved. They’re in a binder in the church office. Board meetings are always open. Come and listen in, or speak to what concerns you. Board members are identifiable at church by their yellow name tags. Talk to us. When I finish typing up the minutes of the meeting, I’ll post more specific highlights. Stay tuned.- written by Sibyl McNulty